By Matt Rozsa Unfortunately, these days eating foods that are labelled as “natural” isn’t enough to guarantee that what you’re eating is actually natural, simple, or good for you. In fact one of the most common use of the words “natural” is in the ingredient “natural flavor” — I’m sure you’ve seen it. In fact,
By Matt Rozsa It seems to be an American tradition: you refer to the tomato as a vegetable and someone is bound to chime in to clarify that it is in fact a fruit. After all, they’ll point out, a fruit is any edible plant that develops from the fertilized ovary of a flower. Indeed,
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Italy Just Passed Major Legislation to Stop Food Waste. Meanwhile the U.S. Tosses $161 Billion-Worth of Food a Year
Indoor Gardening News
By Elena Sheppard Earlier this year, Italy passed new and much-needed legislation to help reduce the huge amount of food wasted by the country each year. According to the Italian government, the amount of food Italy wastes in a given years costs the nation approximately 12 billion euros annually. Looking more widely at Europe, the
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By Elena Sheppard Many healthy eaters drink beer on the regular. And while beer isn’t terrible for you when consumed in moderation, a closer look at beer ingredients makes it clear that more often than not when we toss back a cold one we’re ingesting different ingredients than we thought; most notably high fructose corn
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By Dylan Love To many, it has long seemed hopeless that independent farmers could stand a chance under a Monsanto monopoly. Paul Stamets is a man with a plan: A David ready to fight the Monsanto Goliath. Except Stamets isn’t throwing stones; he’s growing mushrooms. In 2006, Stamets obtained a patent that’s being hailed as
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By Elena Sheppard There is a place in Minnesota where the fields are literally filled with purple corn. It’s not a joke. Most of us have grown up eating white and yellow corn (corn on the cob, corn salad, canned corn), but we’re here to talk about purple corn and the surprising nutritional benefits packed
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By Dylan Love Mushrooms are fantastic little fungi with plenty of health benefits. They’re great for you, but they serve an even greater purpose in nature. You might remember learning about mushrooms in high school biology, when you were introduced to the fungi kingdom. Mushroom bodies are made up of mycelia, which are structures composed
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By Dylan Love The Olympic Games in Rio are over. While that’s sad news for us sports lovers, it’s good news for most of these Olympic athletes — not only did they have to extensively train their bodies and minds for years, they also had to supplement their workouts with solid dietary regimes. Now that
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By Dylan Love Do you read ingredients? Do you read them closely enough to notice your favorite snack might actually be a real bummer? It’s increasingly difficult to be health-conscious nowadays. There are major differences in how the American food industry operates versus other countries, differences of attitude in what is an acceptable ingredient and